Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"That's Italian" Spring Orchestra and Choir Performance ~ May 1 & 2, 2010

Long night rehearsals, indented fingers streaked black from my violin strings,and pulling out the black and white brought about our Woodland Orchestra's spring performance, titled "That's Italian". This has been the best turnout our community orchestra has had for the violin string section! We had a total of 8 violinist counting myself. We played a variety of music including "Triumphal March", "Vivaldi's" Concerto in D Minor and Gloria (with the choir singing). One of my favorite parts about performing....a performer must down her attire of long black dress and throw a few curls. All that time and effort poured in for two short performances. Short indeed was the outcome, but so worth the effort! I had fun as always and had a great time reuniting with old friends.

Well, with the performance over, we will meet yet one more Thursday before the break over summer. We will be site reading music for the Winter performance. Sounds like it will be "Handle' Messiah" again. Whatever, it will be sure to be fun yet again!

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